SQL Server Snapshot Isolation: Improving Performance and Reducing Deadlocks : cybexhosting.net

Hello and welcome to our in-depth analysis of SQL Server Snapshot Isolation. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of using this powerful feature to improve the performance of your database while reducing the frequency of deadlocks. This technology has been available since SQL Server 2005, and it has become increasingly popular due to its effectiveness and ease of use. Whether you are a database administrator seeking to optimize your infrastructure or a developer looking to build more robust and scalable applications, you will find valuable insights and practical advice in the following paragraphs.

Understanding Snapshot Isolation: Concepts and Mechanics

Before we dive into the specifics of how SQL Server Snapshot Isolation works, let’s review some basic concepts and terminology. First, we need to understand what a database transaction is and how it interacts with other transactions.

A transaction is a series of database operations that are logically grouped and executed as a single unit of work. Transactions can be either committed or rolled back, depending on whether they succeed or fail. When a transaction is committed, its changes become visible to other transactions. When a transaction is rolled back, its changes are undone and discarded.

One important property of transactions is isolation. Isolation refers to the degree to which one transaction can “see” the changes made by another transaction. There are several levels of isolation defined by the ANSI SQL standard, ranging from the most permissive (Read Uncommitted) to the most restrictive (Serializable). Each isolation level balances the trade-off between concurrency (the ability to execute multiple transactions simultaneously) and consistency (the guarantee that transactions won’t interfere with each other).

Snapshot Isolation is a specific isolation level implemented by SQL Server. It relies on a technology called row versioning to provide a unique view of the data for each transaction. When a transaction starts, SQL Server creates a snapshot of the database at that point in time and exposes it to the transaction. The transaction can read and modify the data from the snapshot without interfering with other transactions that may be executing concurrently. When the transaction commits, SQL Server merges the changes made by the transaction back into the main database, using a process called version cleanup.

Snapshot Isolation offers several benefits over other isolation levels:

  • Reduced blocking: Since transactions don’t lock each other, they can execute in parallel more often, leading to better throughput and shorter response times.
  • Improved consistency: Snapshot Isolation provides a strong consistency model that prevents dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads, which are common problems in other isolation levels.
  • Lower contention: By reducing the frequency of locks, Snapshot Isolation can also reduce the likelihood of deadlocks, which occur when two or more transactions are waiting for each other to release their locks.
  • Higher concurrency: Snapshot Isolation can support a higher number of concurrent transactions than other isolation levels, without sacrificing consistency or performance.

Now that we understand the basics of Snapshot Isolation, let’s see how to enable it and use it in practice.

Enabling and Configuring Snapshot Isolation

In order to use Snapshot Isolation, you need to enable it on your database and configure it correctly.

First, you need to make sure that your database is set to the correct recovery model. Snapshot Isolation requires the database to be in the Full or Bulk-Logged recovery model, which allows for transaction log backups. If your database is in the Simple recovery model, you need to switch to Full or Bulk-Logged first.

Next, you need to enable Snapshot Isolation on the database level:

SQL Server version Command

The first command enables only Snapshot Isolation, while the second command enables both Snapshot Isolation and Read Committed Snapshot Isolation, which we will discuss later.

Note that enabling Snapshot Isolation has some implications on how your database behaves:

  • Row versioning: SQL Server needs to create and manage additional versions of the data for each transaction, which requires more space in your database. Depending on the workload and the size of your database, you may need to monitor and manage the amount of space used by row versioning.
  • Increased workload: Snapshot Isolation can introduce some overhead in terms of CPU usage and I/O operations, due to the increased volume of data generated and the need to maintain the snapshots and version history. You may need to tune your hardware and software configuration to get the best performance out of Snapshot Isolation.
  • Compatibility: Some applications and frameworks may not be compatible with Snapshot Isolation, or may require changes to work correctly. Make sure to test your application thoroughly before deploying Snapshot Isolation in production.

Once you have enabled Snapshot Isolation, you can start using it in your transactions by setting the appropriate transaction isolation level:

Isolation Level Description Command
Snapshot Isolation Enables Snapshot Isolation for the duration of the transaction. BEGIN TRAN; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT; — your transaction here COMMIT TRAN;
Read Committed Snapshot Isolation Enables Read Committed Snapshot Isolation for the duration of the transaction. This is a variant of Snapshot Isolation that provides a consistent view of the data for every read operation, even if the underlying data is being modified by other transactions. BEGIN TRAN; SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT; — your transaction here COMMIT TRAN;

Note that you need to set the isolation level for each transaction separately, and that changing the isolation level may have implications on how your queries behave. We will discuss some best practices and common issues later in this article.

Optimizing Performance and Avoiding Deadlocks with Snapshot Isolation

Now that we know how to enable and use Snapshot Isolation, let’s explore some best practices for optimizing performance and avoiding deadlocks.

Use the Appropriate Isolation Level

The first and most important rule when using Snapshot Isolation is to use the appropriate isolation level for each transaction. As we saw earlier, Snapshot Isolation and Read Committed Snapshot Isolation have different properties and behaviors, and choosing the wrong isolation level can lead to inconsistent or unexpected results.

Generally speaking, Snapshot Isolation is best suited for long-running or complex transactions that require a high degree of concurrency and consistency. Read Committed Snapshot Isolation is better suited for short-lived transactions that require a consistent view of the data, such as reporting queries or simple CRUD operations.

If you are not sure which isolation level to use, start with Read Committed Snapshot Isolation and measure the performance and consistency of your queries. If you see issues such as long blocking periods, inconsistent results, or high version store usage, consider switching to Snapshot Isolation and retesting your workload.

Keep Transactions Short and Simple

One common mistake when using Snapshot Isolation is to write long and complex transactions that span multiple units of work and touch many tables or rows. While this may seem efficient at first, it can lead to a high degree of version store usage and contention, which can eventually cause your database to slow down or even crash.

The best practice when using Snapshot Isolation is to keep your transactions as short and simple as possible. Try to break them down into smaller units of work that can be executed independently and do not require multiple rounds of read and write operations. Use stored procedures or functions to encapsulate your business logic and reduce the amount of manual coding required.

Another useful technique is to split your transactions into read-only and read-write phases, using different isolation levels for each phase. For example, you can use Read Committed Snapshot Isolation for the read-only phase, and Snapshot Isolation for the read-write phase. This can reduce the amount of version store usage and contention, while still providing a consistent and concurrent view of the data.

Avoid Update Conflicts and Retries

One of the main benefits of Snapshot Isolation is that it reduces the likelihood of deadlocks, by allowing transactions to read and modify the data without blocking each other. However, this does not mean that deadlocks are impossible, especially if your workload includes many update operations that touch the same rows or indexes.

To avoid update conflicts and retries, follow these best practices:

  • Use the appropriate locking hints and index hints to minimize the overlap between transactions that modify the same data. For example, you can use the ROWLOCK hint to acquire row-level locks instead of page-level locks, or the UPDLOCK hint to acquire update locks instead of shared locks.
  • Use optimistic concurrency control techniques, such as timestamp or rowversion columns, to detect and resolve conflicts between transactions that modify the same rows. This can be more efficient than locking, especially in read-mostly workloads.
  • Use retry logic and error handling to handle conflicts gracefully and avoid data corruption. For example, you can catch the error code for update conflicts (error 3960) and retry the transaction with a higher isolation level or a different locking hint.

Remember that Snapshot Isolation is not a magic bullet that solves all concurrency and performance issues. It is a powerful tool that requires careful planning, monitoring, and tuning to achieve the desired results. Keep experimenting, measuring, and learning from your workload to find the optimal configuration for your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions about SQL Server Snapshot Isolation

What SQL Server versions support Snapshot Isolation?

Snapshot Isolation is supported by SQL Server 2005 and later versions, including SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, and SQL Server 2019. It is also available in the Azure SQL Database and the Azure SQL Managed Instance services.

How does Snapshot Isolation affect the performance of my database?

Snapshot Isolation can introduce some overhead in terms of CPU usage, I/O operations, and storage space, due to the need to create and manage additional versions of the data. However, the exact impact depends on many factors, such as the size of your database, the complexity of your workload, and the hardware and software configuration of your system.

In general, Snapshot Isolation can improve the performance of your database by reducing blocking, allowing more concurrent transactions, and improving consistency. However, it can also increase contention and version store usage, especially if your workload includes many update operations or long-running transactions. It is important to test and monitor the performance of your workload before and after enabling Snapshot Isolation, and to tune your hardware and software configuration accordingly.

Can Snapshot Isolation cause deadlocks?

Snapshot Isolation reduces the frequency and severity of deadlocks, by allowing transactions to read and modify the data without blocking each other. However, deadlocks can still occur in certain situations, such as when multiple transactions modify the same rows or indexes at the same time.

To avoid deadlocks, use the appropriate locking and concurrency control techniques, such as row-level locking, optimistic concurrency, and retry logic. Also, make sure to monitor and analyze the deadlock graphs and error logs of your database, to detect and diagnose any issues.

How do I monitor the version store usage of my database?

You can monitor the version store usage of your database by using the sys.dm_tran_version_store_space_usage dynamic management view. This view shows the amount of space used by the version store in each database, broken down by transaction ID and version chain. You can also use the sys.dm_db_file_space_usage view to monitor the overall file space usage of your database.

If you notice high version store usage, consider reducing the duration or complexity of your transactions, or increasing the maximum size of the version store by adjusting the version store configuration settings.

Can I use Snapshot Isolation together with other database features, such as table partitioning or replication?

Yes, Snapshot Isolation can be used together with other SQL Server features, such as table partitioning, replication, mirroring, and Always On Availability Groups. However, some features may require additional configuration or compatibility checks, so make sure to read the documentation and test your workload before enabling Snapshot Isolation.

In particular, some replication topologies may require the use of Read Committed Snapshot Isolation instead of Snapshot Isolation, to avoid conflicts and inconsistencies. Check the documentation of your specific replication scenario for more information.

Can I use Snapshot Isolation with third-party applications and frameworks?

Yes, Snapshot Isolation should be compatible with most third-party applications and frameworks that use standard SQL Server APIs and drivers. However, some applications or frameworks may require specific isolation levels or query patterns to work correctly, or may not support Snapshot Isolation at all.

If you are using a third-party application or framework, make sure to test it thoroughly with Snapshot Isolation enabled, and to contact the vendor or community for any issues or limitations.


Snapshot Isolation is a powerful and flexible feature of SQL Server that can help you improve the performance and consistency of your database, while reducing the frequency and severity of deadlocks. By enabling Snapshot Isolation at the database level and setting the appropriate isolation level for each transaction, you can achieve a higher degree of concurrency, scalability, and reliability, without sacrificing data integrity or application logic. However, Snapshot Isolation also requires careful planning, monitoring, and tuning, to optimize its impact on your workload and hardware infrastructure. Use the tips and best practices outlined in this article to get started with Snapshot Isolation, and keep experimenting and learning to find the optimal configuration for your specific needs.

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